Our Mission:
At Paddling Michigan / Uncle Ducky Outdoors LLC we are committed to providing a safe and enjoyable experience while exploring the natural environment of the Upper Peninsula with minimal impact.
We want to create a unique experience for all our guests and promote our philosophy of low impact tourism in this environment we call home. We hold mutual respect for nature and wildlife, our guests, and among ourselves here at PaddlingMichigan.com.
What is Sustainable Tourism?
The UN-World Tourism Organization (UN-WTO) has defined sustainable tourism as “An enterprise that achieves an effective balance among the environmental, economic, and socio-cultural aspects of tourism development in order to guarantee long-term benefits to recipient communities.”
Guidelines for tourism operations, impact assessment, monitoring of cumulative impacts, and limits to acceptable change are established.
Watch and photograph wildlife with minimum obtrusion, and respect the viewing instructions of your guide. Remember that all wildlife sighting should be made from a distance. Do not touch, feed or corner them.
The removal of any specimen, whether plant, seed, animal, or rock from its natural environment is not acceptable.
Stay on the Trail:
Straying from the trail while hiking can cause erosion and other environmentally harmful impacts. Do not enter restricted or private areas. If in doubt, seek your guide’s advice.
Respect endangered species:
Do not buy products that exploit wildlife, aid in habitat destruction, or come from endangered species.
Do not litter:
Dispose of your garbage appropriately. Seek your guide’s advice. Carry only biodegradable soaps, shampoos and detergents. Do not throw away used batteries, plastic bags or cans into the rivers and lakes. Use biodegradable products when camping. Opt for beverages in glass bottles as they tend to be re-used.
Conserve Energy and Water:
Conserve energy by turning off lights, air-conditioning, heating and other appliances when not required. Minimize your requirement for clean towels, napkins and sheets. The minimum usage of water conserves a precious resource.
Respect cultural differences:
Local customs and traditions vary from one country to another. While traveling, read about the history, culture, traditions and norms of the country. The well prepared tourist is likely to have a fulfilling vacation.
Always ask permission to take photos of people, thus showing respect and awareness of their culture and beliefs. If in doubt ask your local guide. Communicate with local people at all times in a friendly manner, and make an effort to learn their culture.